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The President's Corner

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Executive Board MeetingAgenda    

Location:  1285 S Detroit Avenue
Date:  04/16/2019
Attendees:  Name(s) John Vaughn, Chris Martin, Jeff Bush,    Suzette Beck-Ramsey, Josh Peaster, Daniel O’Rouke, Josh Hall
Time:  6:00PM

  1. Call to order 6:10pm


  1. Roll call


 Absent Excused:   John Vaughn

  Absent Unexcused:

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Minutes Approved: ( Chris Martin motioned to accept minutes, Josh Peaster made the 2nd, and the motion carried.)

  1.  Standing Reports

a)          Recording Secretary. - Vacant.

b)          Secretary/Treasurer Report. – Financial Report Accepted: ( Chris Martin Motioned to accept, 2nd by Josh Peaster- Motion carried )

c)         Vice President Report. –

d)         President Report. -  Franks at Membership Meeting 23rd, Negotiations meeting on the 17th ( Budget Meeting), 27th VMO Training Muskogee, Office Administrator Probation. Internet. Website update.

  1. New business

a)         Summer Event. ( tabled for further discussion )


  1. Adjournment

7:15 PM