Featured News
AFSCME nurses share worries about staffing crisis with Biden administration
AFSCME nurses share worries about staffing crisis with Biden administration
AFSCME holds job fairs to recruit talented public service workers
AFSCME holds job fairs to recruit talented public service workers
Staff the Front Lines bus tour stop in Minneapolis includes first hiring hall
Staff the Front Lines bus tour stop in Minneapolis includes first hiring hall
First stop for AFSCME’s Staff the Front Lines bus tour: Rochester, N.Y.
First stop for AFSCME’s Staff the Front Lines bus tour: Rochester, N.Y.
AFSCME National
Big Challenges and Big Opportunities Ahead
Senate passes Social Security Fairness Act, a major victory for public service workers
Oregon behavioral health workers overwhelmingly give their boss a thumbs down
Minnesota members who keep Hennepin County running win hard-fought contract
Always on the lookout, Louisville plumber leader assistant is Never Quit winner